An Exploration of the Experiences of Virtual Care in NSWNCOSS has released its research exploring the lived experiences of virtual care in NSW. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual care has expanded… Read More
A Quick Guide to Renegotiating Your Service ContractNCOSS has drafted this guide to provide you with tips and reminders in the renegotiation of your service contract. Systemic issuessuch as inadequate indexation, alongside the pragmatic issues of increasing demand and stagnant funding will impact organisations’ economic sustainability if not factored into future service contracts.
NCOSS TEI Sector Assistance Strategy projectNCOSS was engaged by NSW Department of Communities and Justice to provide support activities to the Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) sector from July 2018 to June 2021. The activities included practice forums, individualised support and targeted learning circles. This page contains resources, tools/templates and project reports.
Update, August 2019: Final Dates for the NCOSS/FAMS TEI Practice WorkshopsHave you been to a TEI "Measuring Outcomes, and the Logic that supports it" Practice Workshop yet?We have announced new training dates for September and October.
Update, June/July 2019: New Dates Announced for 7 Additional TEI Practice Workshops Across NSWDue to high demand, additional 'Measuring Outcomes and the Logic Model that Supports It' workshops have been scheduled across NSW. These workshops are exclusively available to TEI funded services.
Updates, April-June 2019: Roll-out of TEI Outcomes Practice Workshops across NSWInformation on dates, regional locations and registration are now available.
Update, April 2019: NCOSS TEI Individualised Support (STAGE 2)UPDATE, June 2020: Stage 2 of the NCOSS TEI Individualised Support has now concluded, and Stage 3 is underway.
Links to TEI Program resourcesCheck out the wealth of resources around Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) reform, TEI Outcomes Framework and TEI use of the Data Exchange (DEX) platform for outcomes reporting.