The Other Frontline: The essential role of place-based NGOs during the Delta and Omicron COVID-19 outbreaks in NSW
The Other Frontline: The essential role of place-based NGOs during the Delta and Omicron COVID-19 outbreaks in NSW explores how place-based and small-to-medium sized social and health service organisations experienced and responded to the Omicron and Delta waves. The report documents NGO’s common experiences and challenges through these difficult times and analyses how and why social sector organisations often played such a critical role in supporting impacted communities and the public health response.
What made the social services sector effective?
- Social infrastructure enabling community solutions
- NGOs that are local, accessible, safe
- Leadership, innovation and advocacy
- Influence and participation in governance
- Professional capability and commitment
Learnings for the Future
- Recognise and value local services as important social infrastructure
- Embed local NGOs in emergency governance structures
- Prepare ahead for emergency grants
- Develop a shared response to emergencies
- Support NGOs in their emergency responses roles
Read the full report here.