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10 October 2017

NCOSS strongly supports the vital role of independent representative advocacy and information organisations for people with disability and their families.
Our forthcoming Pre-Budget Submission argues that the funding the NSW Government provides to these organisations must continue post 30 June 2018.
Representative advocacy and information organisations play a fundamental part in assisting the Government to deliver on its inclusion agenda, ensuring the voices of people with disability are held in decisions affecting them. 
The transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will not decrease the need for advocacy. On the contrary, representation advocacy and information are critical to ensuring people with disability can realise the choice and control on which the NDIS is built. 
NCOSS works to increase inclusion for people with disability and ensure advocacy and information organisations can succeed in an NDIS environment. We support the vital work of our members and the broader advocacy and information sector to ensure this choice and control is realised. 
We call on the NSW Government to maintain its current investment in advocacy, and combine this with growth funding that acknowledges the enhanced need for advocacy in the evolving NDIS environment and the current unmet demand.