NCOSS Support for a Voice to Parliament - NCOSS - NSW Council of Social Service
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I'm voting YES!

Following on from our We’re voting YES! video featuring sector leaders calling on Australians to support the recognition of First People in the Constitution and establishment of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, NCOSS is excited to release individual messages, where they each go into more detail on why they’ll be voting YES! on 14 October.

Hear from:

They’re voting YES! at the 14 October referendum.

How will you be voting?

We're voting YES!

NCOSS is excited to launch the first of our video messages from 10 sector leaders in support of the campaign to recognise First Nations people in the Australian Constitution and establish a Voice to Parliament as the next step in this country’s journey towards reconciliation. Voice. Treaty. Truth.

Hear from Sydwest Multicultural Services’ Thom Calma, Muslim Women Australia’s Nemat Kharboutli, Wesley Mission’s Rev Stu Cameron, St Vincent de Paul Society’s Yolanda Saiz, AbSec’s John Leha, Mt Druitt Ethnic Communities Agency’s Daniel Gobena, NCOSS’ Treasurer, Brad Webb, Older Women’s Network’s Bev Baker, Northern Rivers Community Gateway’s Jenni Beetson-Mortimer, and NCOSS President, John Robertson.

Watch the video here

They’re voting YES! at the 14 October referendum.

How will you be voting?

Posted 18 September 2023

NCOSS support for a First Nations Voice to Parliament

NCOSS is excited to announce our support for a YES vote in the referendum for a First Nations Voice to Parliament.  In discussion with the NCOSS First Nations Partners and Advisors Group we recognise the complexities of the issues for First Nations people and communities. You can read the statement of support here.

We believe that this is a great opportunity to change our nation for the better and give a platform to the voices of First Nations communities that no-one can shut down; that sits at the heart of government but is strong and independent; and that represents First Nations communities from all over the country – urban, rural, regional and remote.

We have used our ongoing forums Forum of Non-Government Organisations (FONGA) and Regional Members Meetings to inform our members about the process of the referendum and the establishment of the Voice, the background to the Uluru Statement and Voice Treaty Truth, and diverse First Nations views.

We would like to thank Kate Sinclair (Solicitor at PIAC, Chair of Ngalaya Indigenous Corporation) you can find Kate’s slide deck here and members of the NCOSS First Nations Partners and Advisors Group and NCOSS Board including John Leha (CEO, Absec) and Karlie Stewart (Lecturer at UoW, Weave, Artist) for speaking at these forums.

We also recognise that the lead up to the Referendum will be stressful for many First Nations people, with a variety of commentary being played out in the media and within organisations.

NCOSS ran a free sector webinar for organisations seeking to understand the impacts of the referendum on First Nations staff and communities.  The webinar outlined strategies and practices to address racism and strengthen cultural humility and safety in non-Indigenous organisations. It was delivered by Rowena Laurie, founding director, Yamurrah, along with Belinda Field, CEO, Yerin Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Health Services (and co-chair of the NCOSS First Nations Partners and Advisors Group). We followed up with an open roundtable discussion for workshop participants in July.

Please have a look at some key resources and food for thought provided below. We will continue to update these - let us know if there is something you think needs to be on here advocacy@ncoss.org.au

Resources - the Voice to Parliament

Free learning opportunities

Yarning Circles - free online yarning circles

The yarning circle concept is used by many First Nations peoples across the world. It's a space for active listening and reflection. Join Uluru Dialogues to learn more about First Nations culture and why the Uluru Statement and a First Nations Voice are so important.

'Walking Together' workshops are currently being held around the nation.

Developed and facilitated by Youth Off The Streets’ Nicole Laupepa and Jacqui Parker (First Nations and non-Indigenous trainers respectively), Walking Together aims to immerse participants in what it takes to walk together, using the Uluru Statement from the Heart as an educational framework.

The workshop facilitates knowledge, understanding, and a sense of purpose for non-Indigenous Australia to walk together with First Nations people.

Upcoming workshops in NSW include-

Sydney workshops

The banner above is from the Uluru Statement from the Heart Supporter Kit. You can help spread the message by downloading images and messages from the webpage.