Post a Job - NCOSS - NSW Council of Social Service
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NCOSS Community Jobs board connects the NSW human services and community sector with jobseekers looking to find their next employment opportunity.

Our weekly Jobs bulletin, containing a summary of the newest listing, goes out to over 2,800 subscribers seeking jobs in the NSW human services and community sector, is part of our fortnightly NCOSS e-News that goes out to over 4,000 subscribers and is promoted through our social media platforms.

Content: You can post your job online at any time by choosing a package and filling out the Job Listing Form below, and your job will be posted once payment is processed.

To access discounted NCOSS member rates for Job postings, you will need to be logged in as a member.

Don't remember your log-in details? All you have to do is confirm your email address associated with your membership - It’s an easy process that takes only a couple of minutes to sort.

Need us to upload your advertisement for you? We offer this service for $20 inc GST per job listing. Contact us or send us your job details and we will handle the job posting for you: jobs@ncoss.org.au

We are now offering the purchase of bulk ads at a discounted price, select the preferred package below or contact the NCOSS team on (02) 9211 2599 or email jobs@ncoss.org.au for more information.


Community Sector & NFP Fee ScheduleNCOSS Member  Fees inc GSTNon-member Fees inc GST
1 Ad$77.00$126.50
3 Ads$219.50$360.50
5 Ads$346.50$569.25
10 Ads$654.50$1,075.25
20 Ads$1,232.00$2,024.00


Government & Corporate Fee ScheduleNCOSS MemberNon-Member
1 Ad$198.00$264.00
3 Ads$564.00$752.50
5 Ads$891.00$1188.00
10 Ads$1,683.00$2,244.00
20 Ads$3,168.00$4,224.00

Choose a Package

TIPS: Make sure you fill in the Jobs Description section in every posting. This is the section that is used as a teaser on the home page of the jobs board and is crucial to attracting potential employees.

Length: advertisements can be as detailed or brief as you prefer - you can also supply selection criteria and job descriptions.

How long can ads remain online?

  • Listings remain on-line until the close of application date or maximum 6 weeks.
  • Listings without a close of application date can remain online for one month although they can be removed earlier on request.
  • It is possible for us to extend your listing at no additional cost providing it is requested by email before the close of applications and extended for under 2 weeks.

Exclusions: NCOSS reserves the right to reject any advertisement.

We are keen to make this service as useful as possible. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve it.

Not an NCOSS member? Join NCOSS to get member rates when posting your job.

Join online today.