Investing in Communities Conferences
Last year hundreds of NCOSS members around the state joined us for a day of networking, workshops and capacity building at the Investing in Communities Conferences.
This year they’re back at 5 locations around NSW and we’re developing a new program which we know you’ll love. Download the program.
The way we work is evolving and this Conference is your chance to keep up to date with new ways of working, the latest initiatives coming out of government, hear about local services doing great work, and network with your community.
AND we're bringing back the spotlight sessions on local innovation.
SO lock in a spot in your region today! .
- Lake Macquarie - 7 August
- Ballina - 14 August
- Wagga Wagga - 28 August
- Gerringong - 4 September
- Dubbo - 18 September
With thanks to our sponsors and partners: