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Looking after yourself is important. Here are tools for supporting yourself and others after a disaster.

The Social Sector Wellbeing and Resilience Hub - The Community Well for short - is an online resource specifically designed for charities, not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises. The Community Well aims to support good mental health in the social sector by building capability in wellbeing governance and practice.

Phoenix Australia Disaster Mental Health Hub: resources and training for professionals who support individuals and communities experiencing the mental health impacts of disasters.

Taking action to help customers in distress a NSW Government resource for frontline staff, working in non-mental health or social work related fields.

Australian Red Cross  provides resources on looking after yourself after a disaster.

Headspace provides information for family and friends supporting young people affected by a natural disaster.

Emerging Minds provides resources and advice on supporting children’s mental health during disaster and traumatic events.

David Younger is a Clinical Psychologist who partners with communities, agencies, and local and state governments across Australia, to help them better prepare for and recover from natural disasters & emergencies.

The NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS) provides Multicultural Mindfulness Resources to help you reduce stress and improve your wellbeing. They are available in Arabic, Bangla, English, Mandarin, Nepali, Greek, and Spanish.

Disastrous wellbeing and resilience building resources. Cards for Calamity to guide you through life after disaster. Doing Well cards and Workshops in a Box to help teams work better together under pressure.