Our Team
The NCOSS Board guides and monitors the business and affairs of NCOSS on behalf of the members. The Board is elected from the membership at the annual general meeting and is accountable to members.
Candidates for the Board are drawn from a wide cross-section of expertise within the social and community sector in NSW.
Board President

John Robertson

John Robertson
CEO of Foodbank NSW & ACT Limited
John Robertson commenced full time employment at the age of 16 as an Apprentice Electrician and during his time working as an electrician became an organiser with the Electrical Trades Union.
John moved to the Labor Council of NSW as an Industrial Officer in 1991, culminating as Secretary from 2001 to 2008. His career then took off in the government sector, including his appointment as the NSW Opposition Leader and as the NSW Minister for 11 portfolios.
With over 30 years of experience in stakeholder engagement and strategic development in government, and 7 years of volunteering at Foodbank NSW & ACT, John extended his career to the not-for-profit sector in 2017, being appointed as the Executive General Manager of Foodbank NSW & ACT, then Chief Operating Officer in March 2019 and Chief Executive Officer in November 2020.
John is currently a Director on the Board of the NSW Council of Social Service elected in November 2019.
John was appointed by the NSW Treasurer as Chair of icare in September 2020.
John’s vision for Foodbank NSW & ACT is to build an organisation focused on the most effective and efficient delivery of food to people in need.

Mark Degotardi

Mark Degotardi
CEO, Community Industry Housing Association
Mark has been the CEO of the Community Housing Industry Association NSW since May 2019 and has worked for more than 20 years in peak bodies advocating to Government and advising on Government policies and programs.
He is deeply passionate about creating greater fairness and equality in our community and believe that safe, secure, affordable and appropriate housing plays a critical role in securing better social and economic outcomes for communities across NSW.
Board Directors

Jenni Beetson-Mortimer

Jenni Beetson-Mortimer
Chief Executive Officer, Northern Rivers Community Gateway
Jenni is CEO of the Northern Rivers Community Gateway. She is Chair of the NSW Financial Inclusion Network, Board member of Homelessness Australia, a full member of the Planning Institute of Australia, a Professional member of Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI), MBA Australasia and the Institute of Managers and Leaders ANZ. Jenni holds a Master of Leadership from Deakin University. She is a graduate of Social Leadership Australia and holds a Bachelor of Social Science from Southern Cross University.
Jenni is a descendent of the Ngemba people, originally from Brewarrina in Western NSW, and now lives in the NSW North Coast. Since 2000 Jenni has worked in leadership roles within the NGO sector as a CEO, Manager, Planner and Community Development Worker. She has a strong commitment to social justice, financial inclusion, ending homelessness and grass roots community services that provide true wrap around holistic services to disadvantaged people.

Belinda Field

Belinda Field
CEO, Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Services
Belinda is the CEO of NCOSS member organisation, Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Services, an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health and Community Services Organisation on Darkinjung Country providing services to more than 4,000 First Nations people in the area.
She is a proud Wiradjuri woman, deeply rooted in her cultural heritage, which has shaped her values, perspectives, and aspirations. She is honoured to carry the responsibility of representing her people and working towards creating positive change within her community. She firmly believes that by embracing cultural identity and empowering her people, they can overcome the challenges we face and build a brighter future together.
Belinda has lead Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Services for almost a decade, and is passionate about ensuring that people have access to quality healthcare, education, housing, employment opportunities, and social support systems that are tailored to their unique needs and aspirations.

Wendy Foote

Wendy Foote
Associate Professor, Newcastle University
Wendy Foote is an Associate Professor, teaching and researching in social work and related areas at the Newcastle University. Associate Professor Wendy Foote’s social work research is inspired by years of practice and a profound desire to help disadvantaged children and families in Australia. Her work examines the complex interrelation of welfare decisions and practice, policies and funding regulations, drawing a confronting picture of the current system’s strengths and weaknesses

John Leha

John Leha
CEO, AbSec
John has a wealth of experience and knowledge in Indigenous affairs with particular focus on the most marginalised members of society, First Nations children and young people, and members of the Aboriginal LGBTIQ communities. John aspires to see purposeful advocacy for and by community that centres around holistic wellbeing. John knows that there is a need for robust dialogue to unpack systematic barriers and subsequent impacts of poverty and neglect which acutely affect First Nation’s communities. Self-determination provides guiding principles to enable First Nations leadership to lead responses through culturally sound practices and approaches to enable sustainable outcomes.
John is the chairperson of BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation (leading ACCO for First Nations LGBTIQ peoples) and a Director at Gadigal information service (Koori Radio).

Emma Maiden

Emma Maiden
General Manager Advocacy & External Relations, Uniting NSW.ACT
Emma is the General Manager Advocacy & External Relations at Uniting NSW.ACT, where she has worked since 2019. Emma co-manages the Social Impact & Advocacy Directorate. Emma was formerly Uniting’s Head of Advocacy & Media and formerly Assistant Secretary at Unions NSW. Emma is also a non-Executive Director of HESTA and Sydney Community Forum. She is a former NED of St George Community Transport and legalsuper.
Emma is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She also has a Bachelor of Economics (Hons 1) from the University of Sydney and is admitted as a Lawyer in NSW.
Emma’s skills and experiences include social justice campaigning, government relations, media, social media, thought leadership, philanthropy, creative and digital, work health and safety and employment law.

Simon Rice

Simon Rice
Emeritus Professor
Simon has a long career in community service organisations, principally community legal services, as a worker and in not-for-profit governance and strategy.
Before joining the NCOSS Board, Simon was the Chair of the Welfare Rights Centre for two consecutive two-year terms; he has previously been a board member and/or chair of entities ranging from a community youth scheme and a tenants' rights service, to the Intellectual Disability Rights Service and NSW Legal Aid. As a lawyer and legal academic, Simon’s expertise is in human rights and anti-discrimination law.

Yolanda Saiz

Yolanda Saiz
Chief Executive Officer, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Yolanda is currently the Chief Executive Officer at the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW where she creates and leads the vision and strategy of the organisation to achieve positive social impact for people experiencing poverty or disadvantage.
A key part of Yolanda’s role involves advocating on behalf of vulnerable communities, leading Vinnies’ external relations, and engaging with government stakeholders to drive systemic change. With close to 30 years of professional experience, she brings a strong track record in strategic planning, stakeholder management, and fostering innovation in service delivery. Her experience includes leading initiatives that address complex social issues, enhance organisational efficiency, and drive positive social outcomes.
Additionally, she has extensive experience working with government and corporate stakeholders, fostering partnerships that support advocacy and policy change. Her leadership approach focuses on collaboration, innovation, and accountability, which aligns with NCOSS’s mission to promote social justice and community wellbeing across New South Wales.
By serving on the NCOSS Board, she hopes to further champion the voices of marginalised communities, contribute to shaping effective policies, and strengthen partnerships that promote inclusive and sustainable social outcomes

Elisabeth Shaw

Elisabeth Shaw
CEO, Relationships Australia NSW
Elisabeth is the CEO of Relationships Australia NSW, a longstanding member of NCOSS.
Elisabeth has worked in and around the community sector her whole career, either in executive roles or as an external consultant in areas of clinical practice oversight, staff capability training, and organisational and workforce design.
She is a clinical and counselling psychologist, senior consultant at The Ethics Centre, and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She holds Masters degrees in Management (Community Sector, UTS); Couple and Family Therapy (UNSW) and Professional Ethics (UNSW).
Elisabeth values the opportunity to engage with the sector as a whole and be part of distilling their experienced, representative voices into advocacy and policy recommendations.

Cara Varian

Cara Varian
Chief Executive Officer
Cara is the Chief Executive Officer of NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) and a strong advocate for equity, opportunity and dignity for everyone in New South Wales.
Prior to joining NCOSS, Cara worked across the not-for-profit, public service, political and corporate sectors. She has experience in the military and at all three levels of government in Australia.
She has qualifications in business, political science and international development and she is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Cara is also the Executive Chairperson of the Harding Miller Education Foundation, which is a national charity that provides scholarships to Australian public high school girls who have high academic potential and are experiencing socio-economic disadvantage. She was named in the 2021 Impact 25, which recognises the most influential people in the Australian social sector and was a finalist for the NSW Premier's Woman of Excellence Award in 2024.

Ben McAlpine

Ben McAlpine
Director, Policy and Advocacy
Ben joins us from Stride Mental Health, one of Australia’s largest mental health not-for-profits, where he was General Manager of Strategy, Innovation and Growth. Ben oversaw Stride’s research and evidence work, business development and advocacy activities, strategic and operational planning, marketing and project management. Before joining Stride, Ben worked in the Consulting team of Social Ventures Australia, where he supported organisations across the sector to design and implement new organisational strategies, and to better measure their impact. Ben also has a Masters in Peace and Conflict Studies.

Olivia Wright

Olivia Wright
Director, School Gateway Project
Olivia Wright joined NCOSS in 2016 as an accomplished relationship manager with 20 years’ project and business management experience across the Government, private and not-for-profit sectors. In Government, she worked in international market development in the arts for 5 years before transitioning to the NGO sector. Olivia has held management positions in community development and community engagement within the sector for over 10 years. She was General Manager of a small NFP that focused on providing literacy support to disadvantaged students through the lens of poetry.
Catherine Reilly
Policy and Advocacy

Neha Shah

Neha Shah
Policy Lead
Neha is an experienced and passionate researcher and policy analyst, specialising in child, youth and families. She has over 13 years’ experience across the non-government, peak body and university sectors. Most recently, she was living in New York where she worked in international development, leading the social impact work for a global advocacy organisation. She holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy and Management.

Elyse Cain

Elyse Cain
Policy Lead
Elyse Cain leads NCOSS’ work on the social determinants of health and health equity, and chairs the NSW Health Equity Alliance. She has ten years' experience in policy and advocacy both in government and non-government settings, including senior policy roles in NSW Fair Trading, the Commonwealth Treasury and the Australian Medical Association (NSW). She holds a double degree in Communication and International Studies from the University of Technology, Sydney, with majors in social inquiry and German.

Andrea Angeles

Justine Lee

Michelle Shackleton

Michelle Shackleton
Sector and Community Engagement Officer
Michelle Shackleton has a background in community engagement, community organising, campaigning and event coordination. At NCOSS, Michelle leads engagement with community organisations and people with lived experience, to inform NCOSS policy positions and advocacy activities to alleviate poverty and disadvantage in NSW.
Michelle is passionate about organisations engaging ethically and meaningfully with people directly impacted and ensuring that the voices of experts by experience are at the heart of policy-making.
Industry Development

Eleanor Harris

Eleanor Harris
Senior Project Officer, Community Organisations Disaster Adaptation Project
Eleanor is passionate about supporting communities and community organisations to navigate an increasingly complex disaster and climate adaptation environment.
Eleanor has a background in disaster management and the community sector with a BA Humanitarian and Community Studies and experience working with communities after bushfires and floods.