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NCOSS, along with Fams, Youth Action and LCSA met with Minister Goward to discuss the Targeted Early Intervention (TEI) Reforms, on 22 February 2017. In this meeting we continued our advocacy to extend current timeframes and to provide certainty and communication to the sector regarding the renewal of contracts. Click here for our joint statement on the outcomes of the meeting.

FACS has committed to the development a TEI Sector Assistance Strategy, as part of the TEI Reforms. On 28 February 2017, NCOSS attended the first of two full day workshops to assist with the development of this strategy. The workshop was hosted by external consultants and attended by FACs and other peaks involved in the TEI process. There was a strong commitment by all parties to developing a strategy that will best assist TEI funded service providers navigate the initial phase of the TEI reform process and work towards the longer-term capacity building needs of the sector.