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Professional governance association, the Governance Institute of Australia, has developed a free, risk management handbook for board directors.

Risk management has emerged as a critical area of responsibility for the board. In order to discharge their duties, directors need to know and properly assess the nature and magnitude of risks faced by the organisation. The board needs confidence that management has an effective framework in place to manage those risks.

Governance Institute of Australia has developed Risk Management for Directors: A Handbook to assist your board to:

  • gain clarity about the interaction of governance and risk management
  • avoid confusion in the responsibilities of those with an oversight role and those with an implementation role
  • embed risk management within the strategic framework.

The handbook equips you with questions you can address to management to ensure that there is an effective risk management framework in place. It will help your board ensure its deliberations and oversight of management link the alignment of risk management practices with strategic objectives throughout the organisation.

For your complimentary copy of Risk Management for Directors: A Handbook, please visit here.

Download the handbook.