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The Transport Policy Advisory Group (TPAG) is hosting a special forum for NCOSS members.

Guest speaker Sean Macken – who co-wrote the McKell Institute’s research paper, Getting Us There: Funding the Transport Infrastructure of Tomorrow­ – ­will speak about new and innovative ways that governments can raise revenue to fund much-needed public transport infrastructure.

Read Sean’s paper.

Sean has over 20 years’ experience advising on urban affairs, infrastructure and planning. He has written papers on housing affordability and a range of other issues, and has provided urban planning advice to councils and governments, including the NSW Minister for Urban Affairs.

The event will be held at 10am on Tuesday 12 April at the NCOSS office boardroom (Level 3, 52-58 William Street, Woolloomooloo).

Please RSVP to Douglas McCloskey at  Numbers are strictly limited.