NCOSS appoints Interim CEO - NCOSS - NSW Council of Social Service
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The NCOSS Board is very pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Kathy Chapman as the Interim NCOSS CEO.

Kathy comes to NCOSS having served in several high profile roles within Cancer Council NSW, including as the Director of its Cancer Programs Division and periods as the Acting CEO.

Kathy combines a profound understanding of the NSW policy and advocacy landscape with her experience working with communities and key stakeholders to identify and advocate for the change they want to see – including many years working with NCOSS.

At the Cancer Council she was responsible for prevention programs, support programs and services for people affected by cancer as well as advocacy and government relations

Her advocacy and government relations work at Cancer Council NSW achieved tobacco control legislation; a ban on commercial solariums; increased transport subsidies for people travelling for medical treatment; and additional government investment ($100 million) in palliative care.  

These successes in advocating for policy change involved the Cancer Council’s innovative model of creating a social movement by mobilising and organising grassroots volunteers to demonstrate the strength of community support to politicians.

Kathy is also a Non-Executive Board Director at Healthy Kids Association, a non-government organisation focused on health promotion for children in schools, families and communities. 

The Board would also like to take this opportunity to thank Melanie Fernandez for her strong leadership and fantastic work as Acting CEO up until now.

The process of recruiting of a permanent NCOSS CEO is underway and a further announcement will be made in the near future.