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The Safe as Houses event held on International Women's Day saw the launch of two important resources to assist Community Housing Providers respond to older women’s homelessness and domestic and family violence (DFV). 

Strengthening practice in responding to domestic and family violence within Community Housing Providers is a toolkit for community housing providers produced by the NSW Federation of Housing Associations in partnership with Domestic Violence NSW, Homelessness NSW and Family and Community Services NSW. The toolkit provides a broad range of resources such as the Home Safety Assessment Checklist and information for Community Housing Providers and tenants about a range of services and supports available for victims of DFV. A policy framework that can be implemented within organisations to effectively identify and respond to DFV is also included along with many other important tools. You can download the toolkit at

The Sydney Women’s Homeless Alliance also released a report of the Older Women’s Studio Development Project on housing options for single older women.  This project is part of the broader Plan for Change: Homes for Older Women and was developed in response to the lack of appropriate, affordable housing for single older women in the Sydney Area.  A copy of the report can be found on their website.