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Earlier this week FACS released a paper outlining the  vision, guiding principles and reform directions for the $150 million Targeted Earlier Intervention Reform program. As expected, there is a strong focus on moving towards evidence-based service delivery and an outcomes-focused approach.

Encouragingly, the paper acknowledges the sector’s contribution to earlier intervention, and commits to a partnership approach that includes building the capacity of the sector in line with the reform directions. This will be particularly important for small to medium NGOs who may need support to adopt new ways of working. The commitment to supporting the development of Aboriginal-led services, and embedding an Aboriginal Services Strategy into each element of the reform is also very welcome.

The reform directions state that resources will be targeted to those with the greatest need. While we support this approach in principle, our position has been that this approach is best achieved by increasing the levels of funding for communities that have historically been under-funded.

FACS will be holding information sessions on the reform directions in each District throughout August and September. The next phase of the reform - service design and planning – will also commence, with the key elements of work including:

  • Developing a Outcomes, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
  • Identifying evidence-informed service practice
  • Defining the program structure
  • Establishing a governance framework
  • Confirming contracting and pricing
  • Developing a Aboriginal Services Strategy
  • Undertaking local planning - informed by extensive district data profiles (data snapshots of each district are attached as Appendix 4 of the Report).

Please contact Rhiannon on (02) 8960 7912 should you have any concerns about the TEI Reform process you’d like to bring to our attention.