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The Legislative Assembly committee on Community services is currently inquiring into access to transport for seniors and disadvantaged people in rural and regional NSW, with submissions being accepted until 21 July.

Across the State, as part of our PBS consultation process, we have heard that limited access to adequate and accessible transport services is a key contributor to disadvantage, with many people struggling to access the health and social services, education, training and community support they need.

This inquiry is an important opportunity for communities in regional and rural NSW to highlight the transport access issues they are experiencing, and have a direct say in what would make a real difference to them. If you would like to contribute directly to the inquiry and make a submission, we encourage you to visit the Committee website to view the terms of reference and have your say. I

f you are interested in submitting, we would also like to hear from you so you can tell us what are the most important issues in access to adequate and accessible transport in your region.

Contact Douglas McCloskey at for more information, and to let us know that you will be submitting.


The Physical Disability Council of NSW (PDCN) is asking for your input to assist with their submission to the Legislative Assembly Committee inquiry into the accessibility of transport in rural and regional NSW. If you live in rural and regional NSW, they would love to hear from you. Click here to complete their short online survey, and help make sure the important issues are raised. Submissions for the inquiry close soon, so PDCN would appreciate your contribution as soon as possible.