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NCOSS welcomed the appointment of three new discrimination commissioners last week. It was particularly pleasing to see the position of Disability Discrimination Commissioner reinstated after the position was scrapped.

Alastair McEwin will step down from his position as Executive Director at Community Legal Centres NSW to become the new Disability Discrimination Commissioner, finishing over 7 years at the organisation where he marked the 40th anniversary of the CLC movement in NSW, strengthened relationships between CLCs and the Aboriginal Legal Service, limited the impact of the NPA on NSW, and launched the CLCNSW Aboriginal Cultural Safety Workbook. Polly Porteous, will replace Alastair as the interim Executive Director, coming from the National Association of Community Legal Centres.

NCOSS also welcomes Ed Santow the new Human Rights Commissioner and Kay Patterson as the Age Discrimination Commissioner.

Ed has a strong record working to protect human rights, most recently through his work with the Public Interest Advocacy Centre.

Kay Patterson served as a former Health and Ageing Minister and is a psychologist with expertise in gerontology and has had extensive experience advocating for older Australians.