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The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIA) is currently consulting about the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) Commissioning Framework. The Commissioning Framework sets out to transform the ILC Policy Framework into action. The ILC is an important facet of the NDIS because it will support people who are eligible for the scheme and those with disability who may not be. Its five activity streams include:

  • Information linkages and referrals;
  • Capacity building for mainstream services;
  • Community awareness and capacity building;
  • Individual capacity building; and
  • Local area co-ordination (LAC).

If your organisation is currently being block-funded to undertake these kinds of activities,  it would be good to investigate the ILC Commissioning Framework Consultation Draft Paper. It provides information about the transition to the NDIS including how it intersects with other services and systems. It also provides more details about the role of the Local Area Co-ordinators (LACs) and how other aspects of the ILC Framework may work to complement their functions.

One of the key facets of the ILC Commissioning Framework is a nationally consistent focus on outcomes. Among other information being sought in the Consultation Paper, the NDIA is keen to hear about what they can do to support  organisations transition to this outcomes-based approach. This is not to suggest that current work is not producing outcomes, however existing systems for acquitting funding may not have encouraged the development of systems to measure and report on the impact  of the good work being done in NSW to support people with disability.


Want to know more?

The NDIA will hold consultations in Sydney and a rural area of NSW in February. Visit the website for information about these sessions.

Check out the Consultation Paper on the ILC Commissioning Framework. Submissions are due 22 April 2016.

You can register for regular updates on the ILC by providing your Organisation name, State, contact person, phone and email address to